Aug 26, 2008

Tuesday WOD

today we had to attempt to do the following:

30 reps body weight + half deadlifts....

was not going to happen.. I don't want to risk hurting my back... so I started with 65 lbs, and was finished 30 like in 2 minutes.... so our instructor was like you need more weight... so we added 10 more, and did 5 more reps.. so then I felt I could do 85 I did 5 reps.. next time we do deadlifts, I am going to start at 85 lbs...


Anonymous said...

Hola Chrissy.........I didn't know you had this! Good job on staying fit. It took me 5 months to get rid of 15 pounds! I am reading your workouts. You're doing good stuff.
I think I may be in Austin in October around Halloween.
I will let you know. It would be great to see you. Wonder if Patty would meet up. She will most like celebrate Halloween in New Orleans, huh?

Maria Cristina said...

thanks for commenting! call me if you are in Austin.. I think Patty does like staying in NO, but we can try to convince her :)