Sep 11, 2008

Thursday WOD

I had big hopes of running on Wednesday, but I was sooo tired I couldn't do anything but go to bed! Roman had woken up and was freaking out for some time in the middle of the night.. it took a lot of caffeine to get thru the day!

We did the following in my crossfit class
2 rounds of 1 minute (as many reps as you can do in the minute, no resting)

wall ball squats (14 lbs)
push press
box jump
sumo deadlift

total score was 125!

Sep 9, 2008

Tuesday WOD

today was a partner workout: do as many rounds of the following with a partner in 14 minutes

14 45 lb Bar Bell Snatch 35 lb for me!

14 Pull-Ups
Susannah and I completed 9 3/4 rounds...

Sep 7, 2008


Today I ran a 5K in support of CASA in Travis County. it went ok. I did it in 33 min 30 seconds..I know I can probably do better... check out the video (a speed walker beat me) yeah I show up pretty late in the video.. but you can still support CASA

Visit where you can donate to my personal fundraising page! Thanks for supporting me and CASA!

you will have to lean your head for the whole video (blame that on Eric)